Freelance first glance

I’m having such a hard time concentrating on this work. Like seriously I can’t keep my freaking mind on task here. It’s so goddamn boring. Looking at thousands of lines of links and assessing their validity. Incredibly, mind-numbingly boring. So my brain peaces right the fuck out and gets distracted by other stuff instead. I took a break to take a walk with my brother and his dog (technically his girlfriend’s dog but I feel like if a dog lives in your house it’s your dog.) because I was feeling soooo fucking restless and I needed to get out of here for a little minute and get some fresh air. Haha. I still have so much more to do, this is insane. I should *not* be complaining tho, because assuming I finish it all and get paid in a timely manner (*knocks on wood*) it should be exactly enough, at the exact right time to pay my rent. (with $35 left over! wooooo sweeeeet!) And hopefully there will be at least one more batch after this one. (preferably more. *knocks on wood again*) In other news I really need to start getting my shit together for my grad school application. I have just over a month to apply and I have a lot of shit to get together. I’m pretty nervous about it TBH. I’m just very nervous in general about everything!!ii!!ii!!ii!!ii!! much nervous! very anxiety! wow! Thursday is thanksgiving and I’m not looking forward to it really. It’s basically my least fave holiday for lots of different reasons. But, whatever. All I can do is hope it isn’t a big monstrosity. God, I’m so fucking restless still. I want things and stuff and to be doing something creative instead of this mind killing sadness work. Even so, even so. I really need to concentrate. It’ll go a lot faster if I can make myself concentrate. Juuuust focus. Read the lines. Focus.

Good News Bad News

 Good News:  I got more articles to write, which I asked for and need for money reasons. 

Bad News:  I have to fucking write 9 goddamn articles in the next 24 hours. 

Good News: I just made myself a matcha green tea smoothie and it tastes awesome and has caffeine in it

Bad News: I feel weird and lost and weak and wicked vulnerable and sorta helpless. 

Good News: I went to the gym today and got a really good workout, which helped clear my head at least slightly.

Bad News:  I probably shouldn’t have wasted two hours going to the gym and coming back and showering because I have to fucking write 9 goddamn articles in the next 24 hours. 

Good News: I at least recognize the names of (almost) all the products I have to write about and they aren’t weird technical things I don’t know anything about. 

Bad News: I’m not sure what’s up with articles for next week and it’s sorta freaking me out

Good News: After tomorrow I will have made half of July’s rent. June is already sorted. 

Bad News:  I’m not super confident about how I’m going to make the other half… but we’ll see. 

Good News: I’m almost done making this stupid entry, and you guys can be done reading it!

Bad News: I have to actually go do my work now.