final countdown (for nowntdown)

Last day of this round. I want to feel happy and excited to finish it but I just feel sorta empty and sorta scared and very exhausted. My neck is still killing me. Like… really, a lot. I still barely slept last night. It’s been a long while since 8 hours happened. whatever. Expect the worst, hope for the best. I’ll either be right or pleasantly surprised. These last 5 are gunna be extra hard to write, because they are bottom of the barrel style. Whatever. Let’s go.

(5)wrote this one backward, that made it slightly less terrible somehow. Probably going to do the next one that way too.

(4) Another backward one, done. Also My S.O just went out to run errands for me and bring me food. Also  I just spontaneously started crying, so that’s cool.

(3) finished. More than halfway through. I just got accepted for a new assignment, I didn’t even have to do a trial for it the client just asked if I wanted to do it because they are familiar with my work. It’s just a small thing, but it’s a thing. It’s already loaded. I’m not even gunna look at it today.

(2) done. only one more to go. I’m feelin” helllllllla ravaged in an ot fun at all even a little bit type of way. Like… super uncool style. And I’m planning on going to the gym when I’m done with this, so that’s a thing.

(1) and done. 136 total wedding guides written for this round. That’s so fucking many, and yet it doesn’t feel like enough. Okay, okay, I’m done. It’s done. I’m done. Peace.

Wedding songs (playlist)

I haven’t made a playlist in forever, but doing a ton of writing always makes me want to make one. This little batch of wedding writing is about done, but I’m hoping there will be another one soon. I wrote a total of 38 guides this week, roughly 19,000 words. There are a handful more in the pool, and I could stay up and do them, but I’m so tired. I’m so so tired. So! here are some songs that made me twitch around and rock back and forth and feel slightly better while I was working. Don’t question it, it is what it is.

1. Three Days Grace – Painkiller (yeah yeah, I know I know. I really like the chorus. Suck it.)

2. Panic! at the disco – Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time (stupid but fun)

3. Caravan Palace – Brotherswing (this song sounded so familiar and I thought I might have had it on an earlier playlist, but I totally didn’t. I was recognizing it from a Darlings show.)

4. Metric – Black Sheep (this is like the most famous metric song and I’ve only heard it a few times)

5. Cake Bake Betty – One By One (I love the lyrics for this song but can’t find a lyric vid)

6. Purity Ring – Saltkin (yeah, nice. nice, yeah)

Playlist 28: Happy New Year! (linear time is a meaningless construct) edition

Damn you guys. I can’t believe it’s going to be 2015. What the hell is with that? That’s like… way too far in the future to possibly be right now. Crazy times my friends, just nuts. Well, here’s hoping that it is a good night for everyone, myself included. It might snow supposedly, so that would be cool. Stay safe everyone, stay warm. Make good decisions. Enjoy yourselves. I was going to bust out some new years themed songs, but then I listened to a few and I really wasn’t feeling it. Sooo for this playlist I’m going to go back though all the playlists I’ve made this year and pull out some of my favorite songs. that I’ve discovered this year. (I might also throw some new years songs in here for fun, I haven’t decided yet tbh. Okay I did throw in a few, new year’s songs are bold and italic). There will be a ton of songs on here by the end, but that’s okay.

1. Alt-J -Breezeblocks (This has to be my #1 man. I fucking love Alt-J so much now and I got my boyfriend and my brother all into them and it’s all thanks to this one song. Listen to the round / harmonies at the end. It just slays me man. I’ll eat you whole I love you so)

2. Miike Snow – Animal (This is another artist I really dig and this is the first song of his I fell in love with. Nice.)

3. Arctic Monkies – Fluorescent Adolescence (You used to get it in your fish nets, now you only get it in your night dress… this band has become a go-to for me this year. Starting with this song.)

4. The Eagles – Funky New Year (If you’re looking for a fun(ky) old school new year’s song, this is for you kid.)

5. Twenty One Pilots – Guns for Hands (tough call between this song and “car radio”. I have come to really dig this band overall, they have such a weird but cool style, with a lot of the *desperate intensity* that I love hearing in songs.)

6. Two Door Cinema Club – Cigarettes in the Theatre (energetic little indie pop band that I ended up digging.)

7. Strfkr – Rawnald Gregory Erickson the second (Not a huge fan of this band in general, but this song was a memorable part of my year. Also known as the song my boyfriend had stuck in his head forever and could only remember like two words of it and I somehow found it for him)

8. Regina Spektor – My dear Acquaintance (a happy new year) (If you’re looking for an oddly morose but somehow still pretty beautiful new year’s song, this is for you kid.)

9. Capital Cities – Safe and Sound (My boy got all up into this band after I shared this song for him. The video is still one of my fun feel good faves)

10. Metric – Help I’m Alive (An underdog fave for me, not the kind of music I’d usually be into but Metric kept making their way onto my playlists all year. This song was the first of theirs I really liked)

11. Sea Wolf – You’re a Wolf (This band has a lot of songs that are a bit too slow for my casual listening taste, but I really like their style overall and they made their way into my playlists and my heart this year, starting with this song.)

12. Snoop Dogg (Feat. Marty James) – New Year’s Eve (If you’re looking for a generic sounding new year’s rap song with mild to moderate misogyny, this is for you kid)

13. Phantom Planet – Demon Daughters (Phantom planet is a disbanded band but I just really discovered them this year. This song is my fave of theirs, lyrically and musically)

14. Priory – Weekend (Priory is a cool little indie band with a few songs that I really dig. This is one of their more superficial songs, but also one of their most fun)

15. Parov Stelar – Booty Swing (The beginning of my love for electro-swing music. What can I say? The heart wants what it wants.)

16. A Great Big World – This is the New Year (If you’re looking for a light, pop-y, upbeat, jumpy new year’s song, this is for you kid.)

Playlist 24: Random Activities and Civil Liabilities

Soooo it’s been a weird and pretty exhausting day. I spent the majority of it taking care of my little brother who fucked up his back really bad somehow. I hung out with him last night and he was in a lot of pain, barely able to take a full breath, barely able to move. Today he was just as bad if not even worse. He texted me this morning asking if I would take him to the chiropractor because he didn’t think he could drive. I was running on just a few hours of sleep, but of course I said yes and I took him. He got an adjustment, but that shit doesn’t fix everything instantly, and the actual adjustment hurt a lot because of how much pain he was in. I helped him get home and set him up in his bedroom with a heating pad and his laptop so he could watch movies or whatever. Then I went out to do some shopping, and got him food and sports drinks and an alcoholic beverage just in case he felt like dulling the pain ~that way~ I also bought him a matchbox car even though he is a grown ass man, because I thought he would think it was funny, which he did. So now his roommate / bff is over there with him and can keep him company and get stuff for him if he needs, so I feel okay relaxing a bit myself. (And I’m ordering a pizza for dinner from my f ave local place)~deep breaths~ Sooo yeah. That’s that. I’m still throwing down a tiny little playlist, even though tonight is going to be a casual night.

1. Metric – Blindness (I sort of like Metric apparently, I think this is the third time I’ve posted a song by them)

2. Milky Chance – Flashed Junk Mind (This band has a pretty unique sound and I like it)

3. Wax Tailor – A Woman’s Voice (Wax tailor uses a lot of weird samples, but for the most part it works for me)

4. Alt-J – Tessellate (Have I mentioned that I’m mad into Alt-J lately? Like really really into them? Just so so frickin into them? And I also got my brother and my boyfriend into them? Because I am, and I did. )

Playlist 12: “I just love you, and I want to show you… with… my money.” edition

Friday friday fridaaaayyyyyy. My boyfriend got his student loan / grant money in earlier than he anticipated, which is awesome because it means we can have a fun filled weekend before he has to start school again. It also means he just came home with lots of stuff for me including flowers and chocolate and wine. The title of this entry is what he said to me when I told him it was sweet. Shit has been pretty bad and off this week, so I am definitely hoping for a good weekend. I still have some work to do before I can go shopping and have fun and stuff. Here are my song pics for the week, random things that played on pandora while I was working or at the gym.

1. Metric – Help I’m Alive

2. Sam Sparro – Black and Gold

3. Hudson Taylor – Battles

4. Phoenix – Lisztomania

5. The XX – Intro

6. Bastille – Pompeii